Joint Press Release LFSG and LISM

Joint Press Release Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance (LFSG) and Libyan Institute for Strategic Matters (LISM)

20201020_Press Release_LFSG_LISM_English.pdf

Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Joint Press Release by the LIECHTENSTEIN FOUNDATION FOR STATE GOVERNANCE and the LIBYAN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC MATTERS on a comprehensive initiative to develop next-generation leaders for Libya and provide them with the support and the tools to rebuild the constitutional, legal, economic, and political framework of a new Libya

The Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance (LFSG), under the Chairmanship of H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, and the Libyan Institute for Strategic Matters (LISM), under the Chairmanship of Mr. Riad Grada, are announcing a joint initiative to identify, train, and support next-generation professionals as well as social and political leaders, and to provide them with the requisite tools to make impactful and sustainable contributions towards the reconciliation of a fragmented country and the rebuilding of a unified Libya.

The fundamental premise of such rebuilding efforts is that it requires all the significant political, economic, social, and military challenges facing the country to be addressed. The only chance for Libya to overcome its continuous state of crisis and accomplish national reconciliation and rebuilding lies in the simultaneous tackling of each challenge based on a methodology that starts with the identification of a local group of individuals with a broad range of political, geographical, and tribal affiliations.

The initiative will focus on all key areas of state governance and social inclusion, including a rotation-based executive government with enforceable code of conduct standards, political and financial literacy and inclusion efforts, the establishment of an independent judiciary, the hosting of a meaningful constitutional dialog among all Libyan stakeholders, healthy and accessible financial and capital markets with the requisite supervisory institutions, the retention of Libyan professionals and reversal of a brain drain, the acceptance and effective use of e-government instruments, as well as other areas that are critical to the national rebuilding and reconciliation.

Several of the knowledge and implementation tools, which form the basis of this joint initiative, will be transferred to the expanded LISM team by LFSG staffers in extensive training programs and through LFSG’s proprietary knowledge platform. The platform modules are based on global best practices and contain the requisite adaptation parameters for the political, economic, social and cultural realities in Libya. The LISM team will consist of carefully identified and tested next-generation Libyan professionals and future decision makers, including legislators, government and executive agency officials, judges, lawyers, economists, financial and capital markets professionals, auditors and accountants, as well as journalists and other members of the media.

For all inquiries and additional information requests, please contact:

Ms. Helga Hagen
Chief of Staff
Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance
Landstrasse 36
9490 Vaduz
Principality of Liechtenstein
Tel: +423 265 30 00
E-mail: helga.hagen(at)

Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance

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